Before I got pregnant with my Son, I was on a lot of vitamins. I had just started understanding them and how they worked. During pregnancy, vitamins make me very, very
Sick, so I stop ( yes! Stopped! Everybody gasp and curse me!!!) For a period of time.
Like 9 weeks to 5 months.
I do try and eat healthy things that don't make me puke, so easy. I'm not a total loss!
Since I decide to "reclaim" my health and how I feel, I started taking vitamins again.
I am living proof, they are AMAZE!!!
When I turned 30, I felt like my body started to hate me.
It seemed every thing started hurting, quitting or slowing down.
I did not like this. One bit.
I felt doomed. But isn't that what happens when you turn the dreaded *gulp* 3-0???
It was for me. At that time.
But, baby. Momma got back!
I started on a LOT of vitamins, and I feel so stinking great.
In fact, even though I was thinner when I was in my 20's, I still physically never felt so
DAY-UMMMmm good! I'm completly sold!!! And I really hope you'll try some vites, too!
I am a walking testimonal. Shoving vitamin use down anyone's throat that will listen, Praising them to the high heavens! So, obviously, people ask, " What vitamins are you taking???:"
Since I've been asked this about 400 times in the last 3 weeks, I decided to make it a topic to blog, that way you know what and why I take what I take ( to feel InCrEdiBLe!!!).
Strontium (680 mg/ 1 x a day) : Bone health. I don't drink much milk, so I wanted something powerful for bone health!
Iron (65 mg / 1 or 2 x a day): helps transport oxegyn through the body. Helps with healthy red blood cells. Fights fatigue. I take this around the dreaded monthly visitor, and BA BAM, that visitor hardly effects me. I feel much more energized!
B6 ( 100 mg 1 x daily) metabolism and energy.
Magnesium (500 mg 1 or 2 x daily) Most woman lack this. Take this!!! NOW!!! J/k...kinda!
Your body needs this for healthy function. Helps with rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, chronic pain, insomnia, avoid illnessess and to perform well under stress.
Before I took this I started getting headaches. No more. I had a lot of sleepless nights and so did my hubs, not anymore!!!
Trans Resveratrol ( 500 mg herbal extract and 250 resv. 1x daily)
This enhances cell function, boost energy, reduce carbohydrate levels, increase metabolism, lose weight and burn fat, improve heart health, sleep better, living longer, slow or STOP progression of breast cancer, improve prostate health and urine flow.
7 Keto ( 100 mg 1 or 2x a day) This reduces body fat, especially in the belly. Also reduces signs of aging, strengthens immune functions, helps balance thyroid (for all of you suffering from that!) Improve cognitive function, inhance memory function and boost energy.
Coconut oil capsules (1000 mg 2x daily) where do I begin with C.O.??? To say I dream in coconut would be truth. Here's the deal, there are like a bazillion things coconut oil is good for ( cook with it too!!! Sooo long, Butter!!) I literally didn't want to take the time to write it all, so heres a few things it rocks at, skin, hair, nails, metabolism, the rest! You're mind will be BLOWN :)
Acai ( 1000 mg 1 or 2x daily ) heart, resistant to harmful organisms, weight loss, skin health, digestive upsets/ irritations, improve cell health ( if only it worked for my malfunctioning smart phone!!) Fights cancer, anti aging effects, energy boost, better SEX ( All the ladies say, " holla!") And mental functions. Much like my b.f.f. coconut oil, this is an A++ vitamin, you should be taking.
D3 ( 5000 mg 1 or 2 x daily) ...yes, I'm still going...maybe this should have been a 2 part blog! Hang in there!! Promotes longer life in older women, fights osteoporosis, helps with immunity AND auto immune disease, fights cancer, cardivascular disease, inflammation, developmental disorders, cognitive and cognitive aging.
Omega 3 fish oil ( 1250 mg 2x daily) Great for heart health, blood flow.
B12 (5000 mg as needed.) Metabolism booster and energy.
( you can buy it in cherry melting flavor, and it melts under your tongue for a quick energy boost! So glad my SIL, Karie, told me about this!)
Shwew! Done! However, I did order CO Q 10. And I will add whenever I find something new!
I also take Rhodiola everyday almost! Great energy boost! That with a healthy energy drink is my can of soda or cup of coffee. I never drink soda anymore! I don't need it!!! With all the great vitamins streaming through my system, I'm good to go.
Remember when I said I was thinner in my 20's but felt worse?
Here's why...
I may have been skinny, but I wasn't putting in healthy food as often as I am now or on all these fabulous vitamins! If I got tired, I cracked open an aspartame filled soda, got a 2 hour buzz, then sugar crashed! I was using my body as a trash can!!! No wonder my metabolism slowed down after 6 Pregnancies and turning 30.
I love the saying, " When you know better, you do better. " Well, if you read this far, you KNOW better! Make the change today!
Let's say you are not eating healthy right now, you feel sluggish, but aren't ready to make the change, start with the these.
Give it at least 3 weeks and I GUARANTEE you will see a noticeable difference.
Don't buy the vitamins from stores like Dollar Tree and such. Buy as good of quality as you can.
I suggest Amway Nutrilite, best ones out there in my opinion, but kind of pricie for me to get everything from them. Do order your Rhodiola from them, though! I know a Distributor if you're looking for one. GNC, privately owned health food stores and are a few of my faves. I do pick up select name brands from Walgreens and Walmart sometimes.
You are too young to feel like a pile.
You may have noticed a lot of those vitamins had metabolism booster, energy, heart health effects. That's because I'm feeding my metab and energy, 2 things I desperately need in my
house with my crazy family and my hubby needs heart health!
Now, if you made it this far, I will share with you a marvelously perfect vitamin that I cherish!
Garcinia Cambogia. I'm a sugar-Aholic. If you take this ( not a generic brand, but a good, quality brand) before lunch and dinner, it literally takes away hunger pains. I eat less and I almost NEVER crave sugar when I'm taking it faithfully! It is a healthy, secret weapon against weight gain. I took it for2 weeks before I started eating good and working out and lost 2 pounds. When I wake up in the morning and my stomach is grumbling, I take it, wait 20 minutes, actually forget I was hungry. Now, I still eat, but it gives me time to make good, healthy choices, without over eating because I feel starved!!!
Now, SHARE this! Help a girlfriend out! Maybe you know someone who needs to get started, but does not know how, here's a list!
Remember, I'm not a professional, I'm just sharing with you what has worked. Please don't jump on your high horse and tell me I'm going to die taking these! I feel great, and figure I have a better chance dying eating McDonalds and sucking down a 64 ounce Coke!
However, please share with me what you take and why! I'm always looking for new ways to feel MAHHhh va Luss!
Thanks for reading!
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