Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Here I am...ALL of ME!!

 HEY! HEY! HEY!!!!
SO...I have a lot of friends who are in the same boat as me ( I think I'm sinking mine!) We are post baby ( or many, many babies!) And are having a HECK of a time re starting our metabolism engine! I know for me right around 30 mine started to slowwwww down. Which is really ticking me off!!!!
But, recently I've decided,  I'm gonna get it back and figure out how to keep it working from here out! So, suck it, slow metab!
Anywhooskie, I'm using this blog as a sharing place! I've been doing TONS of research on what to eat and what not to eat, what vitamins to take, cleanses and more, but I want to
 hear from you, as well! I'm not professional, and I dont want to sound like a know -it-all, because obviously if I did, I'd be twenty ( ish) pounds less, but I do want to learn!
Let US know what worked/works for you!!
I'll also be posting workouts and inspirations and encouragement,  but don't worry, no half naked "before" shots....because believe me, I took one and my very outspoken six year old found it and said,  " Mom! Yuck!!! Why did you take this?!!! Its so gross!!!!"

I reassured her someday she could have it "ALL" too!!!

I'm not here to beat myself up, even though I do find it funny, I'm just here to take you on my journey to lose wieght,  get frickin sexxy and try to do itall while, being a wife,  mother to 5, homeschooling and retraining my over indulgent pregnancy brain how to eat right!!!

Its gonna be fatastic & I totally hope we can learn together!!!



  1. Good for you. Eating right and exercising just makes me feel better. I really think that 21 day sugar detox shook my metabolism into high gear. I think eating the things God made is best. No processed foods. A few sayings to live by. White is not right (no white breads, flours or rice). Better in the waste then on the waist. That helped me learn to throw food away. I try not to make things out of a box. There's my two cents :)

  2. Awesome Heidi!!!
    Thanks for the tips! You are so right...now to remember that when sugar beckons!

  3. I'm with you, Shaylyn! I've been at it for six months and have lost NINE pounds! It seems like it should have come off easier than it has, but it's coming, and that's what matters. Even if it isn't the inches that I was hoping for, I have noticed lots of other things - like bye-bye cellulite! Here are my two biggest tips: 1) Drink water! I fill up a 64 oz pitcher in the morning and squeeze the juice of one lemon into it. Then I try to drink the whole pitcher in one day. I also try to drink at least a half a glass of water before every meal - I eat a lot less if I do that. 2) Calculate the calories of the snack or indulgence that I am tempted to eat - then figure out how long I need to run or use the elliptical to work that off. Suddenly, it seems a lot easier to say no.

    I have lots of other things that I have found work for me, if you're interested some time. Good job and good luck! You can do this!!!

  4. Great tips, Elizabeth! 9 pounds isgreat! I wish! Good for you:)
    I'm just really ready to feel awesome again aft er so many years of pregnancy. So. I figured, I like to write, I'll blog about it and learn all yalls tips!!!
    I'm trying so hard with the water!!! Ick, tho! LOL!
